Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Well tonight I am seeing a Hypnotherapist for weight loss. I wonder if it will work. It was originally recomended to me by the manager at the gym. Then I made the mistake of telling my trainer and she has obviously told the Manager lady and all the staff at the gym I am going. I am now the Hypnosis guinea pig at the gym I fear. All the staff there keep asking me about it and when I'm going etc. A tad embarrassing but who cares if it works.

Husband has threatened to have words with the hypnotherapist to get me to do all sorts of things from getting a job to excessive sexual favours. I am more worried that when somewone claps i will start clucking like a chicken or barking like a dog. The therapist assures me they wont hypnotise me to want more hypnosis sessions. They must get asked that question alot!

Oh well fingers crossed.

No weight loss to report to date even though I'm slogging it out at the gym 3-4 times a week. I am meant to be doing 6 days a week. oops. I can hardly walk today as my thigh muscles have frozen into sitting down position. My eating habits are as bad as normal. I'm hoping that the hypnotheriapist can help me find the motivation to give up sweets and stick to a actual diet. That should help with the weight loss. Its amazing the times I've actually lost weight in the past have been when my head is in gear so thats what I'm hoping the therapist can help me with.

eek wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. How did the hypnosis go? Hope all is well. I like to read your blog.
