Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 3 - Weigh in

Starting Weight: 124.1 kg
Week 1 Weight: 121.6 kg
Week 2 Weight: 120.6 kg
Week 3 Weight: 121.9 kg
Weeks Gain: 1.3 kg
Loss to date: 2.2 kg

Well I weighed in this morning having cunningly taken our scales with us on holidays at 121.9kgs. I've put on a few hundred grams this week but consiering what I've eaten this week I'm surprised I hadn't put on a few kilos. I think I need to buckle down again when I get home later in the week. I think all the walking I've been doing has helped stop the kilos pile on. So I'll try and cut down what I'm eating or make healthier choices for the next few days.

I know I know I said that during the week... but this time I really mean it.

1 comment:

  1. Hee hee.. we all do that.. make promises to ourselves then stuff up. Always another day though! ONWARD...
