Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Week 5 - Weigh in

Starting Weight: 124.1 kg
Week 1 Weight: 121.6 kg
Week 2 Weight: 120.6 kg
Week 3 Weight: 121.9 kg
Week 4 Weight: 122.5 kg
Week 5 Weight: 121.5 kg
Weeks loss: 1.0 kg
Loss to date: 2.6 kg

I think I will call this week Crumpet week. I've eaten so many Crumpets. I guess thats not too bad as they are particularly low in fat but still how many Crumpets can one woman eat in a week and still love them. I loveeee them.

I'm amazed that I weighed in at 121.5kg yesterday morning. Thats 1.3 loss from loss week. I'm not back on track yet but thats a good loss in a week considering what I ate. I think the exercise I did on Sunday going for a really long walk along Takapuna beach did it. But I sabotaged it by having ice cream I think. It would have been a bigger loss.

I'm amazed I lost anything at all as I basically followed the diet for 2 days then fell apart again. I had beer and ice cream... and I made bad choices for take aways. I had sweets and all sorts of stuff. I did try and cut down meal sizes and skiped a few meals which probably didnt help my metabolism at all.

Bad me... once again I endeavour this week to try harder. Sigh... why is it so bloody hard. I have all the motivation in the world and yet I can't get my act together. When am I going to learn. I feel like I'm rebelling against my own better judgement! Silly me!

Top it off I've been in a pretty foul mood the last two days and extremely tired and worried about nothing really. Taking it out on people... maybe its because I haven't eaten the correct things?

Looking at what I ate this week it would seem I'm addicted quite badly to caffine. Well Caramel Lattes to be exact. I think I should cut down a bit as I think the sugar encourages me to binge.

Off to Australia for a trip in a few days for a few days so that will stuff my eating around again too. I will do my best as always.

1 comment:

  1. Off to Aussy? OOO you lucky tart, have fun. Stuff the diet while you are away! Plenty of time to worry about it when you get back.
