Tuesday, May 25, 2010


After much consideration I'm allowing myself one proper Latte with a shot of caramel a week if I feel like one. I'm also allowing myself one a day of those little low calorie caramel latte coffee satchels or hot chocolate satchels you get in the boxes that you mix with hot water. As long as I exercise off the calories the same day. I figure the real coffee has a bit of milk which is calcium and good for me and the low cal satchels are mixed with water so wont be so bad.

Its also about me learning how to make this diet sustainable for me without running off to have take away somewhere. I figure that if a little coffee helps me stick to this diet then so be it. I'm a bit worried about introducing the sugar in these drinks but it must be only as bad as having a diet coke. Apparently thats quite bad for you too but I've been having at least one a day this last week if not more.

I've been really craving coffee as I didn't have one at all last week. So I had one yesterday afternoon about 4pm. I paid for that till about 3am this morning when I was lying in bed looking at the ceiling and trying to count sheep. So I shall try to have it earlier in the day.

Its not that I have one every day its just I like to have one when I'm out and about. I figure if I want coffee so desperately its not going to do me that much harm. Hmmm am I being to lax on myself? 2.7 kg lost to date so I must be doing something right. I guess if my weight loss slows I can drop the coffee and it might speed up again. Anywhoo...


  1. Coffee is fine. I have four cups a day and still loose weight. Just instant with skim milk.

  2. Oh course that is during the weeks when I'm not entertaining, having bbqs, going out to dinner for friends birthdays, not exercising and drinking the odd bottle of wine. All which is not going to be happening for the next few weeks..because your inspiring me to pull my finger out. Go us.xx
