Monday, May 17, 2010

About Fat Ness to Thin Ness

Monday, 17th May 2010

Weight: 124.1 kg

Goal: 69.1 kg

Total to lose: 55 kg

Time frame: 6 months

Its D day (diet start day). Aggggh I'm petrified as I hate diets. I won't call this a "lifestyle change" as I can't stand that arty farty diet talk crap... lets call a spade a spade... I'm going on a diet and once I lose the weight I shall very much enjoy regaining some of my decadent eating lifestyle. I have no intention of changing my eating lifestyle permanently as I'd be a miserable fart if I followed this diet forever. I'm a believer in a little of what you fancy does you good. Unfortunately I have fancied a lot too much and got very fat and unhealthy. My plan is to lose the weight quickly then maintain the weight loss in a more realistic way.

Anyway this morning I start my intensive diet program. I plan to be on it for the next 6 months, without breaking. The end date being Monday, 18th November 2010. I plan to update this blog once a week, hopefully Monday evenings. I plan to weight myself every Monday morning. This blog will record what I ate during the week, how much I exercised and recipes etc. Basically this blog will be a record of how I go losing a massive amount of weight quickly. If your planning to read this weekly I hope you find it interesting.

A bit about me:

My name is Vanessa. I am an Australian. I was born and lived all my life till recently in Sydney. At present my husband Noel (UK born) and I live in Auckland, New Zealand. We arrived here last November. We are here for my husbands work for 2 years which may be extended longer. We just love it here. Its amazing actually. Australians generally bag out New Zealand for being a boring hole of a place with too many sheep. Before I came here I thought this too. I've changed my mind! I may never want to leave here as its so peaceful and beautiful. The people are friendly and so are the sheep.

I'm an Accountant by trade but please don't hold it against me. I was a professional Actor for many years but lets face it I was totally crap at it and my proof is I wasn't getting any work. Although I must say in my defence Australia's entertainment industry is very small and there is no work around for actors... a great defense for being crap. I've not been working as an Accountant since we arrive in New Zealand last November. I had planned to get a job after Xmas but several factors have got in the way. A healthy dose of procrastination along with having been sick for the last 5 months. But I'm better now and so today also marks the start of me looking for a job as well as starting my diet. Wish me luck.

So... I'm 35 years old and I'm very very overweight. Tipping the scales this morning at 124.1 kilos. 3 years ago I was 50 kilos lighter than I am now. I've put on all this weight in the last 3 years for some ungodly reason which I'll try and work out in another blog. I got the all clear from my Doctor last Thursday so its time to start this diet. The all clear was necessary as I've spent the last few months pretty sick, in pain and spending alot of time reading the internet while lying in bed incompasitated. Lucky I didn't have a job. Sadly I've also been told that I'm infertile at present. We wanted to start trying for a child early next year. The medical condition I had the Doctor thinks was caused by a hormonal imbalance. The hormone imbalance is caused by being overweight. I had a minor operation to fix my health issue, but I picked up a post operative infection which wasn't much fun which has delayed my recovery somewhat. I'm being treated for the hormone imbalance now so for now I'm totally fine. But I've been told that if I don't lose weight and they stopped the treatment for the hormone imbalance the condition will come back and it will become cancerous. The Doctor also said I'm very lucky as they think by losing weight the whole condition could go away. They also think my fertility will come back if I lose weight. Once I have lost the weight the Doctor plans to stop the hormane imbalance treatment and from there it will take a few months for my periods to return to normal and all things being equal I will be fertile again and my health problems wont come back. Thats the best case senario. Apparently I'm also very lucky that I have not yet developed Diabetes Type 2 but I'm almost there and my family history is full of Diabetes. So basically I have no choice but to lose weight as quickly as possible or I'm going to die and never have kids. Heavy stuff huh. It would be very easy for me to get quite down on myself about how I let myself get to this fatty point but that's not going to solve my problems. Instead I'm turning my negative health issues into motivation for me to stick to this diet. And stick to it 100%.

Diet Plan:

You may think 6 months to lose 55 kilos is not enough time. Or its unhealthy to lose weight so quickly. I agree totally. However my health problems are caused by being overweight and they need to be addressed immediately. If I don't lose weight quickly I'm in serious doo doo. We also want to start trying for kids early next year and I'd like to have got to my goal weight a few months before that. Thats why I've chose a quick loss diet. In fear of being sued I won't tell you where I got this particular diet from. If you've been on something similar I'm sure you will guess. This diet was made for me personally by professional dieticians apparently so I'm not just making it up. And I promise if I have any health problems during the next 6 months doing this I will re think what I'm doing and probably change my eating plan.

Essentially the diet is:

* 2 small portions of protein a day
* 2 serves of bread (rye/mountain bread/cruskits x 4)
* 2/3 small serves of vegetables
* 2 serves of fruit a day
* no dressings bar a little vinegar
* 1 tablespoon of cold pressed olive oil a day
* 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil a day
* 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds, sunflower seeds a day
* 50 grams of pumpkin seeds every day.
* No alcohol
* 1/2 tablespoon of Soy Sauce or Worstersheer Sauce for flavour once a day.
* 1/2 tablespoon of Fish Oil for flavour once a week.
* Allowed pickles as part of vegetable allowance.

YES ITS A NIGHTMARE TO STICK TO BASICALLY. But I'm going to give it my best shot. I might have to adjust it a bit over the next few months but essentially this is it. I'm not recommending this diet to anyone else. This is just what I'm eating to lose weight. If you choose to follow what I'm doing then thats your call. But the sensible thing to do is go see a dietician and get a diet made up to suit you.


I plan to do at a minimum 45 minutes of gentle low impact cardio a day. Like walking, hiking, biking, dancing, housework etc. As I'm not eating much I don't want to overdo the exercise thing just from a health point of view.

Goal Weight:

The idea being to lose 55 kilos and get down to 69 kg. Why 69 kilograms... because it sounds rude and amuses me. I could actually get down lower according to BMI research I've done. I'm quite a tall woman with a small bone structure underneath all this fat. I used to sit comfortably at 72 kilos but I want a bit more room to between me and my top range BMI. From memory 62 kilos is the lowest point of my healthy BMI zone and about 75 kilos at the top. But the idea of being 69 anything makes me giggle like a school kid. So 69 kg is the goal. Might as well make this experience a bit fun.

Blogger Experience:

By the way this is my first time ever blogging so be kind. Or indeed helpful comments won't go astray. My apology in advance if this blog is boring to you. Sorry to state the obvious... if its boring you don't read it. I'm under no allusion that my eating habbits with be of great interest to anyone but me. Well perhaps my husband as he has to suffer no sugar Vanessa. But if this blog it helps me stay motivated and accountable then this blog will be very helpful to me and could save my life and help me create another life. Also if anyone out there is going through something similar then perhaps this blog may help them too. Let me know if it is as I'd just love to know!

Failure Clause:

I expect to fail. Every diet I've ever been on I've failed. Not a great way to start out but I prefer to be honest. I'm totally crap at dieting. I will be very surprised if I can stick to this as I've done it before and its a nightmare. But I am going to try. I'm got intense motivation this time which should help. I'm sure I will refine my techniques many times over the course of the next 6 months.

One final... oh my god what am I getting myself into. Aggghhh!

Here I go!

1 comment:

  1. You say "At present my husband Noel....", is that the same as - 'This is Alex, my current husband."?
