Friday, May 21, 2010

Healthy Competition

Well I've lost 2 kgs in 4 days. Noel has lost 1.9 kgs. We are having a little competition who can lose 5 kgs first. The winner has to pay for the other to do something fun like dancing with tigers or buying new clothing or whatever. We are trying not to make it a food reward like paying for dinner etc.

Anyway I'm pretty convinced he will win. The fact I'm winning for now is nice but I'm sure that wont last long. I'm sure Men lose weight quicker than women as a rule. Or at least its easier for them. He is also much younger than me so maybe that helps too. He's not eating what I am eating though which is in my favor. Daily he's doing his own thing breakfast and lunch wise then we eat the same for dinner and weekends. He also does alot of walking and goes to the gym a few times a week but as I'm on such a low calorie intake I can't do.

Oh well we will see. I have high hopes of whipping his behind at least this first 5 kgs. High hopes.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chick... I am sure you can win if you really want to! PULL finger and prove it!
